Squid is a open source proxy server mostly running on linux environment (also there is a version for windows too). The default path that the squid will install is /usr/local/squid/. You can change the path by using ./configure --prefix=/some/other/directory/squid at the compilation of squid. (Please refer http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/CompilingSquid)
Occasionally some may want to install squid on the home directory. As usual you need to set the permission squid/var/logs & cache_dir directories to the cache_effective_user you have configured at squid.conf. the default is squid:squid. The problem arise here is it still gives an error saying permission denied.
The solution is easy. Change your cache_effective_user to your home directory name. And set permission of above mentioned directories to the same. Ya.. It works....